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Category: BackEnd Development

MEAN Stack Developer

10 Topics

2 - HTML

learn the fundamental building blocks of web development. You will explore the structure of HTML documents, including elements, tags, and attributes, enabling you to create well-structured and semantic web pages. Through practical exercises, you will gain hands-on experience in writing HTML code, en...

3 - CSS

explore the fundamentals of CSS, enabling you to style and layout web pages effectively. You will learn how to apply colors, fonts, and spacing to create visually appealing designs. Through hands-on projects, you will gain practical experience in using CSS selectors, properties, and responsive desig...

4 - JavaScript Essentials

dive into the world of JavaScript, the programming language that powers interactive web experiences. You will learn how to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM), handle events, and create dynamic content that responds to user actions. Through practical exercises and real-world projects, you wil...

5 - JavaScript ES6

explore the powerful features of JavaScript ES6, enhancing your programming skills and enabling you to write cleaner, more efficient code. You will learn about new syntax, including arrow functions, template literals, and destructuring, which will help you streamline your development process. By the...

6 - TypeScript

learn TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language. You will explore how TypeScript enhances your development experience by catching errors at compile time and providing better tooling support. Throughout the course, you will work on practical examples that demonstrat...

7 - AngularJS

dive deep into AngularJS, a powerful JavaScript framework that allows you to build dynamic web applications. You will learn how to create single-page applications (SPAs) using AngularJS features such as two-way data binding, dependency injection, and directives. By the end of the course, you will ha...

8 - MongoDB

explore the fundamentals of MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database. You will learn how to design, query, and manage data effectively using MongoDB's flexible document model. Through hands-on exercises, you will gain practical experience in data manipulation, indexing, and aggregation. By the end of the c...

9 - Express Js

dive into Express.js, a powerful web application framework for Node.js. You will learn how to create robust APIs and web applications with ease, utilizing middleware, routing, and error handling. By the end of the course, you will have the skills to build scalable server-side applications and unders...

10 - Node JS

explore the core concepts of Node.js, a powerful runtime environment that allows you to build scalable and high-performance applications. You will learn how to create server-side applications, manage asynchronous programming, and work with databases. Through hands-on projects and practical examples,...

11 - GIT

master Git Version Control, a powerful tool that allows you to track changes in your code and collaborate effectively with others. You will learn how to create repositories, manage branches, and resolve conflicts, ensuring that your projects are organized and efficient. By the end of the course, you...