Lesson 13 | AngularJS

Lessons List

  1. 001 Course Intro Frontend Battle
  2. 002 Course Intro Why Angular 2
  3. 003 ES6 with Typescript Overview
  4. 004 Using Atom as text editor with typescript
  5. 005 All about Let Keyword
  6. 006 Const Keyword
  7. 007 Template Strings
  8. 008 Spread Operator
  9. 009 ES6 Modules Overview
  10. 010 Building ES6 Modules Part 1 Introduction
  11. 011 Building ES6 Modules Part 2 Converting File to ES6 Modules
  12. 012 Building ES6 Modules Part 3 Importing ES6 Modules
  13. 013 Arrow Functions
  14. 014 Arrow Functions and this scope
  15. 015 ES6 Classes Intro
  16. 016 Back to Angular
  17. 017 Angular 1 vs Angular 2 vs Angular 4
  18. 018 Angular Setup
  19. 019 Dig Deeper in our Angular Project Skeleton
  20. 020 Adding Bootstrap to our Angular Application
  21. 021 Angular Application rendering Cycle
  22. 022 Intro to Components
  23. 023 Creating Rootcave (First) Component
  24. 024 Registering Rootcave Component in AppModule
  25. 025 Using Rootcave component
  26. 026 Creating Components with the CLI
  27. 027 Writing Template from the Component
  28. 028 Styling The Component
  29. 029 Dig Deep in Component Selector
  30. 030 Introduction to Data Binding
  31. 031 Data Binding Interpolation
  32. 032 Data Binding Property Binding
  33. 033 Data Binding Event Binding
  34. 034 Data Binding 2 Way Data Binding
  35. 035 Introduction to Directives
  36. 036 ngIf Directive
  37. 037 ngFor Directive
  38. 038 ngSwitch Directive
  39. 039 ngStyle Directive
  40. 040 ngClass Directive
  41. 041 ngNonBindable Directive
  42. 042 Building Custom Directives
  43. 043 Observables
  44. 044 Using Observables
  45. 045 Error Handling With Observables
  46. 046 Unsubscribe From an Observable Stream
  47. 047 Observables vs Promises
  48. 048 Observables With External Resources
  49. 049 Introduction to Pipes
  50. 050 Built in Pipes
  51. 051 Async Pipes
014 Arrow Functions and this scope

Lesson No : 13


014 Arrow Functions and this scope

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