Lesson 22 | HTML

Lessons List

  1. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #01 - Introduction
  2. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #02 - Deprecated Tags Part 1
  3. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #03 - Deprecated Tags Part 2
  4. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #04 - Whats Semantics?
  5. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #05 - Syntax
  6. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #06 - Migrate From Html4
  7. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #07 - Support Html5
  8. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #08 - New Tags - Header, Nav, Article, Section, Footer
  9. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #09 - New Tags - Main, Aside
  10. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #10 - New Tags - Progress, Meter
  11. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #11 - New Tags - Details, Mark, Wbr
  12. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #12 - New Tags - Figure, Figcaption
  13. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #13 - New Tags - Time, Dialog, Bdi
  14. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #14 - New Form Elements - Datalist
  15. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #15 - New Form Elements - Output
  16. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #16 - Audio
  17. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #17 - Video
  18. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #18 - Form Input - Color, Range, Number
  19. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #19 - Form Input - Email, Search, Url, Tel
  20. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #20 - Form Input - Time, Date, Month, Week
  21. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #21 - Form Attributes - AutoComplete, AutoFocus, NoValidate
  22. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #22 - Form Attributes - Form [ Action, Method, EncType ]
  23. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #23 - Form Attributes - Form [ NoValidate, Target ]
  24. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #24 - Form Attributes - Multiple, Placeholder, Required
  25. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #25 - Form Attributes - Min, Max, Step, Pattern
  26. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #26 - Form Attributes - Readonly vs Disabled
  27. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #27 - Canvas - Intro
  28. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #28 - Canvas - Create Simple Canvas
  29. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #29 - Canvas - Create Simple Line
  30. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #30 - Canvas - Create Simple Text
  31. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #31 - Canvas - Create With Pure Javascript
  32. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #32 - SVG - Introduction
  33. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #33 - SVG - Rect, CIrcle
  34. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #34 - SVG - Use Css
  35. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #35 - SVG - Ellipse, Line
  36. [ Html5 In Arabic ] #36 - SVG - Compare
[ Html5 In Arabic ] #23 - Form Attributes - Form [ NoValidate, Target ]

Lesson No : 22


[ Html5 In Arabic ] #23 - Form Attributes - Form [ NoValidate, Target ]

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