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  • Lesson.No : 13
  • 00:04:04
  • Laravel Complete Tutorial #013 - Route Structure & Route Service Provider

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Course Lessons

  1. 1- Laravel Complete Tutorial #001 - Laravel Course Overview eCommerce multi vendor project كورس لارافل
  2. 2- Laravel Complete Tutorial #002 - What Is MVC ما هو
  3. 3- Laravel Complete Tutorial #003 - Course and Development Prerequisite
  4. 4- Laravel Complete Tutorial #004 - Why Laravel MVC & Structure Overview لماذا لارافل الافضل
  5. 5- Laravel Complete Tutorial #005 - Why Laravel MVC & Structure Overview part 2 شرح مكونات لارافل
  6. 6- Laravel Complete Tutorial #006 - Installing PHP development environment For Windows part 1
  7. 7- Laravel Complete Tutorial #007 -Installing PHP development environment Windows part شرح تثبيت لارافل
  8. 8- Laravel Complete Tutorial #008 - IDE install PhpStorm for windows تفعيل برنامج بي اتش بي استوم
  9. 9- Laravel Complete Tutorial #009 - Installing GIT for windows and phpStorm شرح وثبيت git
  10. 10- Laravel Complete Tutorial #010 - installing Composer for Windows ما هو composer تثبيت
  11. 11- Laravel Complete Tutorial #011 - Create First Laravel Project - انشاء مشروع لارافل
  12. 12- Laravel Complete Tutorial #012 - What Is Laravel Routing - routes شرح
  13. 13- Laravel Complete Tutorial #013 - Route Structure & Route Service Provider
  14. 14- Laravel Complete Tutorial #014 - Naming Routing and Namespaces - شرح routes
  15. 15- Laravel Complete Tutorial #015 - laravel Route Group , prefix and middleware - routes شرح
  16. 16- Laravel Complete Tutorial #016 - creating Laravel Controller - شرح لارافل controllers
  17. 17- Laravel Complete Tutorial #017 - Laravel Controllers & Namespaces
  18. 18- Laravel Complete Tutorial #018 - Laravel Controller Middleware شرح وبناء
  19. 19- Laravel Complete Tutorial #019 - laravel controller and route resource شرح
  20. 20- Laravel Complete Tutorial #020 - laravel controller and route resource part2
  21. 21- Laravel Complete Tutorial #021 - introduction to laravel view - ماهو view
  22. 22- Laravel Complete Tutorial #022 - laravel passing data to views from controller - عرض البيانات
  23. 23- Laravel Complete Tutorial #023 - create Landing Page with laravel blade and bootstrap
  24. 24- Laravel Complete Tutorial #024 - laravel multilanguage views & switch language تعدد اللغات بلارافل
  25. 25- Laravel Complete Tutorial #025 - view inheritance & Layouts extends - شرح layouts
  26. 26- Laravel Complete Tutorial #026 - view directives
  27. 27- Laravel Tutorial #027-Auth Login and Register with laravel part1 نظام التسجيل وتسجيل الدخول بلارافل
  28. 28- Laravel Tutorial #028-Auth Login and Register with Laravel 6 laravel 7 part2 - تسجيل الدخول بلارافل
  29. 29- Laravel Complete Tutorial #029 - complete Auth Login and Register with popularexceptions
  30. 30- Laravel Tutorial #030 - Login Via Mobile Number with Laravel 6 & laravel 7 تسجيل الدخول برقم الموبيل
  31. 31- Laravel Tutorial #031 - Laravel 6 email verification and configration -التحقق من البريد الالكتروني
  32. 32- Laravel Complete Tutorial #032 - laravel 6 reset password -لأارافل استعاده كلمة المرور
  33. 33- Laravel Complete Tutorial #033 - create githube remote repository and upload source code project
  34. 34- Laravel Complete Tutorial #034 - laravel Login and Register With Facebook Using Laravel Socialite
  35. 35- Laravel Tutorial #035 - Laravel Login and Register With Facebook part 2 - تسجيل الدخول بالفيس بوك
  36. 36- Laravel Complete Tutorial #036 - Laravel npm install issues with login & node.js instllation
  37. 37- Laravel Complete Tutorial #037 - Laravel Login with mobile or email or username at same time
  38. 38- Laravel Complete Tutorial #038 - download all source code from GitHub
  39. 39- Laravel Complete Tutorial #039 - complete guide for laravel task scheduler - شرح task scheduler
  40. 40- Laravel Complete Tutorial #040 - Expire Users after 5 minute using laravel task sheduler example
  41. 41- Laravel Tutorial #041 - How To send daily Emails using Laravel task Sheduler - ارسال بريد الكتروني
  42. 42- Laravel Complete Tutorial #042 - How To send daily Emails using Laravel task Sheduler part2
  43. 43- Laravel Complete Tutorial #043 - What Is Laravel Eloquent / ORM - شرح الموديل والعلاقات بلارافل
  44. 44- Laravel Complete Tutorial #044 - what is laravel Model and how to use - شرح المودل بلارافل
  45. 45- Laravel Complete Tutorial #045 - advanced in Laravel Models&different between fillables and hiddens
  46. 46- Laravel Tutorial #046 - Laravel how to insert to database basic example - ادخال وتحديث الببانات
  47. 47- Laravel Complete Tutorial #047 - Laravel insert to database using bootstrap form
  48. 48- Laravel Complete Tutorial #048-Laravel validate request before Inserting database (validation rules)
  49. 49- Laravel Complete Tutorial #049 - Larvel show request validation to form (form validation errors)
  50. 50- Laravel Complete Tutorial #050 - لحل جميع مشاكل ال 50 فيديو السابقين
  51. 51- Laravel Complete Tutorial #051- Laravel Request Validation Message in Multi Language - بلارافل
  52. 52- Laravel Complete Tutorial #052 - Laravel How to make Multi Language site using (mcamara Package)
  53. 53- Laravel Complete Tutorial #053 - Laravel localization translate all page use (mcamara Package)
  54. 54- Laravel Complete Tutorial #054 -Improve your code - اكتب كود محترف
  55. 55- Laravel Tutorial #056- Laravel retrieve data from database based on user language استرجاع البيانات
  56. 56- Laravel #055-Laravel How To save data in multi language database تعدد اللغات بالموقع
  57. 57- Laravel Complete Tutorial #057 - Laravel How to update database using multi language data part 1
  58. 58- Laravel Complete Tutorial #058 - Laravel How to update database using multi language data part 2
  59. 59- Laravel #059 - Laravel how to upload and save image to database and folder رفع الصور الملفات لارافل
  60. 60- Laravel Complete Tutorial #060 - What is Laravel Traits - كيفية كتابه كود احترافي
  61. 61- Laravel Complete Tutorial #061 - قمت بانشاء جروب فيس لحل المشاكل الخاصه بالكورس ومناقشه الاخطاء
  62. 62- Laravel Complete Tutorial #062 - What is Laravel Events and Listener with Examples
  63. 63- Laravel Complete Tutorial #063 - Laravel events and Listener with youtub viewer example
  64. 64- Laravel Complete Tutorial #064 - Laravel delete from database with redirect messages
  65. 65- Laravel Complete Tutorial #065 - what is Ajax and Why Ajax - laravel crud using Ajax لارافل وأجاكس
  66. 66- Laravel Complete Tutorial #066 - laravel how to Insert data to database using Ajax - Ajax Crud لا
  67. 67- Laravel Complete Tutorial #067 - Laravel save image to database using Ajax and show response json
  68. 68- Laravel Complete Tutorial #068 - laravel delete from database using Ajax- Ajax crud لارافل مع اجاكس
  69. 69- Laravel Complete Tutorial #069 - laravel update database using Ajax
  70. 70- Laravel Complete Tutorial #070-laravel Middleware create your custom middleware - لارافل middlewares
  71. 71- Laravel Complete Tutorial #071 - laravel multi guards multiple authentication guards لارافل
  72. 72- Laravel Complete Tutorial #072 - laravel multi guards user guard & admin guard
  73. 73- طلب لدعم المحتوي وتكمله المحتوي للافضل
  74. 74- Laravel Complete Tutorial #073 - حل تاسك ومشكله عدم زياده مشاهدات فيديو اليويتيوب الشخص المسجل
  75. 75- Laravel Complete Tutorial #074 - laravel Relationships شرح العلاقات بين الجداول بمثال شبيه بفيزيتا
  76. 76- Laravel Complete Tutorial #075 -laravel One To One Relationship and With method- علاقة one to one
  77. 77- Laravel Complete Tutorial #076-laravel whereHas ,whereDoesnotHave,With RelationShips اهم الفيديوهات
  78. 78- Laravel Tutorial #077-laravel one to many relationship with real example - علاقة one to many laravel
  79. 79- Laravel Complete Tutorial #078 - How to get data using one to many relationship by doctor example
  80. 80- Laravel Tutorial #079 - laravel whereHas , whereDoesNotHave , with relationship one to many علاقه
  81. 81- Laravel Complete Tutorial #080 - laravel one to many relationship delete data from database العلاقات
  82. 82- Laravel Tutorial #081 - laravel validate ajax request and show error messages - لأارافل اجاكس
  83. 83- Laravel Complete Tutorial #082 - laravel many to many relationship - علاقه many to many laravel
  84. 84- Laravel Tutorial #083 - laravel many to many relationship insert data to database Attach
  85. 85- Laravel Complete Tutorial#084 laravel many to many sync attach and syncWithoutDetaching شرح العلاقات
  86. 86- Laravel Complete Tutorial#085 - laravel has one through relationship - شرح علاقه has one through
  87. 87- Laravel Complete Tutorial#086 - laravel has many through relationship - شرح علاقه has many through
  88. 88- Laravel Complete Tutorial#087 - Laravel pagination how to paginate database results
  89. 89- Laravel Complete Tutorial#088 - what is laravel scopes & laravel model scopes query
  90. 90- Laravel Complete Tutorial#089 - laravel global scope vs local scopes - شرح Scopes
  91. 91- Laravel Complete Tutorial#090 - Laravel Accessors & Mutators for Models
  92. 92- 91 # اخر فيديو في قائمه 90 فيديو وروابط المشروع التطبيق العملي في الوصف الخاص بالفيديو
  93. 93- Laravel Complete Tutorial #092 - what is laravel collectionكورس لارافل
  94. 94- Laravel Complete Tutorial #093 - basic example about use collections كورس لارافل
  95. 95- Laravel Complete Tutorial #094 - return collection result from database using each methos
  96. 96- Laravel Complete Tutorial #095 - use fillter and transform for return database collection result
  97. 97- #001 Course Introduction , Overview and Prerequisites
  98. 98- #002 create project create GitHub repository and add first branch
  99. 99- #003 install some laravel useful packages for multi vendor , tenancy eCommerce
  100. 100- #004 install admin theme part1 form eCommerce multi languages and tenancy