Gaza, a piece of our soul. ❤️🇵🇸

Adobe Premiere Pro

learn how to use Adobe Premiere Pro, a leading video editing software that empowers you to create professional-quality videos. You will explore the interface, understand the editing workflow, and master essential tools and techniques for cutting, trimming, and enhancing your footage. Through practical exercises and projects, you will develop the skills to add effects, transitions, and audio, ensuring your videos are engaging and polished. By the end of the course, you will be equipped to bring your creative vision to life through effective video storytelling.

Adobe Premiere Pro | Justin Odisho

Adobe Premiere Pro | Justin Odisho

  • 35h 53m
  • 390
  • 3
  • English
Adobe Premiere Pro | Nour Eddin Hejazi

Adobe Premiere Pro | Nour Eddin Hejazi

  • 14h 30m
  • 108
  • 81
  • عربي
Adobe Premiere Pro | TutorTube

Adobe Premiere Pro | TutorTube

  • 3h 7m
  • 21
  • 21
  • English