Gaza, a piece of our soul. ❤️🇵🇸
  • رقم الدرس : 42
  • 00:21:48
  • 42 Laravel 5.2 Controller, Model & View - Restaurant menus - Part II

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- 1 Software Development Course - intro دورة تطوير البرمجيات - المقدمة
  2. 2- 2 SRS document P#1 التعرف على الوثيقة جزء:١
  3. 3- 3 SRS document P#2 التعرف على الوثيقة جزء:٢
  4. 4- 4 SRS Sample #1 Intro - purpose - scope - appreciations
  5. 5- 5 SRS Sample #1 Overall description
  6. 6- 6 SRS Sample #1 Specific requirements - design & software requirements
  7. 7- 7 SRS Sample #1functional requirements 1- user story
  8. 8- 8 SRS Sample #1 functional requirements 2
  9. 9- 9 SRS Sample #1 non functional requirements - PLanguage
  10. 10- 10 SRS Sample #1Apportioning requirements into releases - end
  11. 11- 11 SRS Sample # 2 Intro, Overview
  12. 12- 12 SRS Sample#2 Functional requirement and non functional requirements
  13. 13- 13 SRS Sample # UML, use case diagram, use case
  14. 14- 14 Task #1
  15. 15- 15 SRS Practice - task 1 Discusion - Eng. Abo Salem
  16. 16- 16 SRS Practice - task 1 - Eng. Abo salem - intro
  17. 17- 17 SRS Practice - task 1 - Overall description
  18. 18- 18 SRS Practice - task 1 - ِFunctional Requirements
  19. 19- 19 SRS Practice - task 1 - Non-Functional Requirements
  20. 20- 20 SRS Practice - task 1 - UML - use case diagram - use cases description
  21. 21- 21 SRS Practice task 2 1
  22. 22- 22 SRS Practice task 2 2
  23. 23- 23 SRS Practice task 2 3
  24. 24- 24 SRS Practice task 2 4
  25. 25- 25 SRS Practice task 2 5
  26. 26- 26 SRS Practice task 2 6
  27. 27- 27 SRS Practice task 2 7
  28. 28- 28 SRS Practice task 2 8
  29. 29- 29 SRS Practice task 2 9
  30. 30- 30 Finishing SRS Use Case Diagram
  31. 31- 31 SRS Class Diagram (Restaurant Management System)
  32. 32- 32 ERD Entity Relationship Diagram (Restaurant Management System)
  33. 33- 33 Schema Diagram MySQL Work Bench (restaurant management system)
  34. 34- 34 Server, Editors, compser & packagist
  35. 35- 35 Laravel 5 2 introduction
  36. 36- 36 Laravel quick start - make auth
  37. 37- 37 Laravel Database Schema Migrations
  38. 38- 38 Laravel Database Factories part 1
  39. 39- 39 Laravel Database Factories - part 2
  40. 40- 40 Laravel Database Factories - part 3
  41. 41- 41 Laravel 5.2 Controller, Model & View - Restaurant menus
  42. 42- 42 Laravel 5.2 Controller, Model & View - Restaurant menus - Part II
  43. 43- 43 Laravel 5.2 Controller, Model & View - Restaurant menus Part III
  44. 44- 44 Laravel 5.2 Create Restaurant Menu - Part IV
  45. 45- 45 Laravel 5.2 Edit Restaurant Menu - Part V
  46. 46- 46 Laravel 5.2 Items routes & Controller
  47. 47- 47 Laravel 5.2 Items views & model
  48. 48- 48 Laravel 5.2 Items views create item & controller
  49. 49- 49 Laravel 5.2 Items views create item part II & controller
  50. 50- 50 Laravel 5.2 Items & Menus finalization pagination
  51. 51- 51 Laravel 5.2 Restaurant Management System Meals Part 1
  52. 52- 52 Laravel 5.2 Restaurant Management System Meals Part 2
  53. 53- 53 Laravel 5.2 Restaurant Management System Meals Part 3
  54. 54- 54 Laravel 5.2 Restaurant Management System Meals Part 4
  55. 55- 55 Laravel 5.2 Restaurant Management System Meals Part 5
  56. 56- 56 Laravel 5.2 Restaurant Management System Meals Part 6