الدرس 26 | برمجة تطبيقات iOS

قائمة الدروس

  1. 1- Intro & Content المقدمة والمحتوى
  2. 2 - Install Xcode تنصيب بيئة العمل
  3. 3 - Git & GitHub GiHub وإنشاء حساب على git تنزيل
  4. 4 - Playground Intro playground مقدمة عن
  5. 5 - Swift Variables المتغيرات
  6. 6 - Swift Constants الثوابت
  7. 7 - Swift Var & Let ملخص المتغيرات والثوابت
  8. 8 - Swift Arrays المصفوفات
  9. 9 - Swift Dictionary القواميس
  10. 10 - Swift Math Operators العمليات الرياضية
  11. 11 - Swift Logical Operators العمليات المنطقية
  12. 12 - Swift IF Statement الجمل الشرطية
  13. 13 - Swift Switch Statement الجمل الشرطية
  14. 14 - Swift Optionals المتغيرات الاختيارية
  15. 15 - Swift Tuples الصفوف
  16. 16 - Swift For Loops الجمل التكرارية
  17. 17 - Swift While & Repeat الجمل التكرارية
  18. 18 - Swift Nested Loops التكرار المتداخل
  19. 19 - Swift Break & Continue التحكم بالجمل التكرارية
  20. 20 - Swift Functions Part 1 الدوال
  21. 21 - Swift Functions Part 2 الدوال
  22. 22 - Swift Functions Part 3 الدوال
  23. 23 - Swift Function Overloading التحميل الزائد
  24. 24 - Swift Closures Part 1 الإغلاقات
  25. 25 - Swift Closures Part 2 الإغلاقات
  26. 26 - Swift OOP Intro مقدمة عن البرمجة كائنية التوجه
  27. 27 - Swift Class & Object Part 1 الفئة والكائن
  28. 28 - Swift Class & Object Part 2 الفئة والكائن
  29. 29 - Swift OOP Inheritance الوراثة
  30. 30 - Swift OOP Polymorphism تعدد الأشكال
  31. 31 - Swift Access Control التحكم بالوصول
  32. 32 - Swift Protocols البروتوكول
  33. 33 - Swift Structures الهياكل
  34. 34 - Swift Enumerations التعدادات
  35. 35 - Section Conclusion خاتمة القسم
  36. 36 - Xcode intro شرح واجهة البرنامج
  37. 37 - Swift Xcode Storyboard label, text field and button
  38. 38 - Swift Xcode View Controller
  39. 39 - Swift Xcode IBOutlet & IBAction
  40. 40 - Swift Xcode Simulator Keyboard
  41. 41 - Swift Xcode Assets & App Icon
  42. 42 - Swift Xcode App Delegate & Scene Delegate
  43. 43 - Swift Xcode AutoLayout/Constraints Part 1
  44. 44 - Swift Xcode AutoLayout/Constraints Part 2
  45. 45 Swift Xcode AutoLayout:UIStackView Part 3
  46. 46 - Swift Xcode UITableView
  47. 47 - Swift Xcode UITableView (Custom Cell)
  48. 48 - Swift Xcode UITableView (insert, update and delete)
  49. 49 - Swift Xcode UITableView Sections, Headers and Footers
  50. 50 - Swift Xcode UITableView Pull to Refresh Feature
  51. 51 - Swift Xcode UITableView Cells Self Sizing
  52. 52 - Swift Xcode UITableView (No Data to Diaplay)
  53. 53 - Swift Xcode UICollectionView
  54. 54 - Swift Xcode CollectionView Horizontal Auto Image Slider With PageControl
  55. 55 - Swift Xcode CollectionView Sections, Headers & Footers
  56. 56 - Swift Xcode UICollecitonView Inside UITableViewCell
  57. 57 - Swift Xcode What's New in Xcode 12
  58. 58 - Swift Xcode Navigation Controller Part 1
  59. 59 - Swift Xcode Navigation Controller Part 2
  60. 60 - Swift Xcode TabBarController
  61. 61 - Swift Xcode TabBarController With NavigationController
  62. 62 - Swift Xcode Container View
  63. 63 - Swift Xcode UIScrollView
  64. 64 - Swift Xcode Passing Data Using Properties
  65. 65 - Swift Xcode Passing Data Using Segue & Unwind Segue
  66. 66 - Swift Xcode Passing Data using Protocol & Delegate
  67. 67 - Swift Xcode Passing Data using Notification Center
  68. 68 - Swift Xcode Storyboard references (Multiple Storyboards)
  69. 69 - Swift Xcode How To Use Segmented Control
  70. 70 - Swift Xcode How To Use UISwitch
  71. 71 - Swift Xcode How To Use UISlider
  72. 72 - Swift Xcode How To Use UIPickerView
  73. 73 - Swift Xcode UIPickerView as Input View for UITextField
  74. 74 - Swift Xcode UIPageViewController With UIPageControl
  75. 75 - Swift Xcode RTL UIPageViewController With One ViewController
  76. 76 - Swift Xcode Intro to Info.plist
  77. 77 - Swift Xcode Supporting Dark Mode
  78. 78 - Swift Xcode How to add Custom Fonts
  79. 79 - Swift Xcode Run Your App on Real iPhone
  80. 80 - Swift Xcode UIAlertController Alert View & Action Sheet
  81. 81 - Swift Xcode Take Photo From Camera & Photo Library
  82. 82 - Swift Xcode Select Photo Using PHPicker
  83. 83 - Swift Xcode Support Multiple Languages Localization
  84. 84 - Swift Xcode Localize App Name, Permissions & Directions
  85. 85 - Swift Xcode Intro to Dependencies Managers (CocoaPods, Carthage & SPM)
  86. 86 - Swift Xcode How to install and use CocoaPods
  87. 87 - What's new in Xcode 13
  88. 88 - Swift Xcode How to install and use Carthage
  89. 89 - Swift Xcode How to Use Swift Package Manager
  90. 90 - Swift Xcode MapKit Part 1
  91. 91 - Swift Xcode MapKit Part 2 Access user location
  92. 92 - Swift Xcode MapKit Part 3 Search For Places
  93. 93 - Swift Xcode MapKit Part 4 Get Location Info (Reverse Geocode)
  94. 94 - Swift Xcode MapKit Part 5 Get Directions
  95. 95 - Swift Xcode MapKit Custom Annotations & Map Type Part 6
  96. 96 - Swift Xcode Local Notifications
  97. 97 - Swift Xcode Simple UIView Animations
  98. 98 - Swift Xcode How To Use Extensions
  99. 99 - Swift Xcode CompletionHandler
  100. 100 - Swift Xcode Error Handling & Throwing Errors Do, Try, Catch
26 - Swift OOP Intro   مقدمة عن البرمجة كائنية التوجه

ترتيب الدرس : 26


26 - Swift OOP Intro مقدمة عن البرمجة كائنية التوجه

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