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Design Patterns | Geekific



What’s up fellow coders and welcome to Geekific!. I’m Ed, a full-time software developer and coding enthusiast. Join me on this never-ending learning journey as we dive into the fascinating world of coding. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this channel is dedicated to providing you with valuable insights, tips, and tutorials to help you excel in your coding endeavors. Let's forge a tight-knit community of passionate learners and embark on an exciting coding adventure tog

تفاصيل الكورس

دروس الكورس

  1. 1 | What are Design Patterns? Introduction to Design Patterns and Principles Geekific 00:07:22
  2. 2 | The Singleton Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Creational Design Patterns Geekific 00:08:28
  3. 3 | The Factory Method Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Creational Design Patterns Geekific 00:08:28
  4. 4 | The Abstract Factory Pattern Explained and Implemented Creational Design Patterns Geekific 00:06:13
  5. 5 | The Builder Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Creational Design Patterns Geekific 00:07:35
  6. 6 | The Prototype Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Creational Design Patterns Geekific 00:07:43
  7. 7 | The Chain of Responsibility Pattern Explained & Implemented Behavioral Design Patterns Geekific 00:07:36
  8. 8 | The Command Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Behavioral Design Patterns Geekific 00:07:05
  9. 9 | The Template Method Pattern Explained Implemented in Java Behavioral Design Patterns Geekific 00:06:09
  10. 10 | The Mediator Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Behavioral Design Patterns Geekific 00:05:22
  11. 11 | The Memento Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Behavioral Design Patterns Geekific 00:06:15
  12. 12 | The Observer Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Behavioral Design Patterns Geekific 00:06:49
  13. 13 | The State Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Behavioral Design Patterns Geekific 00:06:55
  14. 14 | The Strategy Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Behavioral Design Patterns Geekific 00:07:26
  15. 15 | The Iterator Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Behavioral Design Patterns Geekific 00:06:14
  16. 16 | The Visitor Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Behavioral Design Patterns Geekific 00:05:46
  17. 17 | The Adapter Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Structural Design Patterns Geekific 00:05:01
  18. 18 | The Bridge Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Structural Design Patterns Geekific 00:05:23
  19. 19 | The Composite Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Structural Design Patterns Geekific 00:05:36
  20. 20 | The Decorator Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Structural Design Patterns Geekific 00:06:42
  21. 21 | The Facade Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Structural Design Patterns Geekific 00:06:08
  22. 22 | The Flyweight Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Structural Design Patterns Geekific 00:07:03
  23. 23 | The Proxy Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java Structural Design Patterns Geekific 00:05:49
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